
 Conference Program
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 Book of Abstracts
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 Book of Selected Papers
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LTLTS2-IA --- دومين همايش

Following the success of the first conference on interdisciplinary approaches to language learning and teaching in 2012, and having realized the necessity to address a wider scope of inquiry, Department of English Language and Literature at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad decided to organize the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies (LTLTS2-IA). The two-day event was scheduled to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6-7 October 2015 in Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Cross-cultural use of language in multimodal forms is a dynamic phenomenon which involves diverse challenges in relation to various environments. As traditionally-envisioned scholarly boundaries do not seem to fully serve the present-day requirements, the principal aim of this conference was to promote interdisciplinary research activities by encouraging prospective participants to move beyond discipline-specific approaches and take advantage of methodological and conceptual frameworks which could help facilitate addressing common problems. LTLTS2-IA welcomed contributions which were inspired by interdisciplinarity and had employed frameworks and approaches of two or more disciplines and had modified them so that they were better suited to certain language-related problems. This event had the privilege of receiving an overwhelming number of presentation proposals from scholars from a wide spectrum of disciplines both in English and Persian. Having regrettably the limitation of accepting less than twenty percent of the proposals, the conference had the opportunity to review and select from among the contributions of scholars from varied fields of study and academic backgrounds such as political sciences, futures studies, psychology, area studies, information sciences, medicine, history, management, as well as more expected fields like literature, linguistics, education, translation and intercultural studies. As the various events in the conference program including, keynotes and featured talks, roundtables, workshops, as well as panels and posters show, the presentation and research reports covered a wide spectrum of diverse problems across one or several languages including Persian, Arabic, Armenian, Urdu, German, French, and English. In addition, the event witnessed interesting research which resulted from the collaboration of junior and senior scholars from different fields on a problem of common interest.

Sincerely, Masood Khoshsaligheh

دومين همايش رويکردهاي ميان‌رشته‌اي به آموزش زبان، ادبيات و مطالعات ترجمه در تاريخ 14 و 15 مهرماه در دانشکده ادبيات و علوم انساني دانشگاه فردوسي مشهد با حضور بيش از 300 پژوهشگر از دانشگاه­ها و مراکز تحقيقاتي سراسر کشور و برخي دانشگاه­هاي خارجي برگزار گرديد. در راستاي اهداف همايش مبني بر ترويج و ارتقاء پژوهش ميان‌رشته‌اي و بهره بردن از نظريه ­ها و روش ­هاي ديگر حوزه ­هاي علمي براي بررسي و حل مسايل آموزش زبان، ادبيات و مطالعات ترجمه، بيش از 1100 پيشنهاده ارائه مقاله به دبيرخانه همايش ارسال شد که پس از داوري، 200 مقاله مورد پذيرش قرار گرفت و از اين تعداد 100 مقاله به صورت سخنراني در قالب 26 نشست تخصصي و 100 مقاله به صورت پوستر در همايش به زبان هاي فارسي و انگليسي ارائه شد. برگزاري سه ميزگرد با موضوع چالش­ ها و راهبردهاي پژوهش ميان ­رشته­اي در آموزش زبان، ادبيات، و مطالعات ترجمه، پنج کارگاه آموزشي، و شش سخنراني ويژه از ديگر برنامه ­هاي اين همايش بود. علاوه بر کتاب چکيده مقالات، کتاب مقالات کامل برگزيده اين همايش شامل 39 اثر از پژوهشگراني با تخصص­ هاي مختلفي از جمله علوم تربيتي، مديريت بازرگاني، آينده پژوهي، روانشناسي، مطالعات منطقه ­اي، جامعه ­شناسي، علوم سياسي، زبان‌شناسي همگاني، مطالعات فرهنگي و ترجمه، ادبيات تطبيقي، ادبيات کودک و نوجوان، زبان و ادبيات فارسي، اردو، ارمني، عربي، آلماني، فرانسه و انگليسي در 418 صفحه تهيه گرديد و در اختيار شرکت کنندگان قرار گرفت. از دستاوردهاي اين همايش تشکيل هسته پژوهشي مطالعات ميان­رشته ­اي زيان با مشارکت اعضاي کميته علمي همايش بود.

با احترام، مسعود خوش سليقه

  تعداد بازدید - : 202690
©2015 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.